Join me on a journey to optimum health using the most cutting edge, evidence based EFT, Reiki and IET™️. Allow me to support you in becoming the best version of yourself and creating the life you've always dreamed of.  

When I began my healing journey more than 20 years ago, learning Reiki was like learning to breathe all over again. This energy modality offered me the lifeline I needed to heal some of the traumas of my past. I went on to become a Reiki Master and teach women to empower themselves too. Fast forward a few years when I added the beautiful Integrated Energy Therapy to my toolkit. This healing modality, working with Angelic Energy offered me and the women around me more emotional support and healing.

Having worked with many people during my EFT training, I realised just how important our emotional healing is and when we take full responsibility and make it our top priority, we can have optimum health not only for ourselves but for our families. Our careers and relationships are more fulfilling, we can attract the abundance that brings immense freedom and support and empower our children in every aspect of their lives.